
At CCB, 我们正在利用我们作为社区银行家100多年的成功经验来推动我们作为社区建设者的成功. 我们致力于为您提供工具和资源,帮助我们的社区成为更好的生活和工作场所.

在本页,您将找到有用的银行新闻和信息,以及我们参与的一些令人惊叹的社区项目的故事. Check back frequently, as we are always adding more! 

What is an HSA and Why is it Important?

October 17, 2024

An HSA, or Health Savings Account, 是一个特殊的储蓄账户,如果你有高免赔额健康计划(HDHP),它可以帮助你节省医疗费用。. 它提供了三个关键的税收优势:HSA的最大特点之一是,你未使用的资金每年都可以展期, so you can continue saving for […]

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What is a HELOC, and Why Now is a Great Time to Get One at CCB

October 10, 2024

What is a HELOC? 当你需要额外的资金时,房屋净值信贷额度(HELOC)是一个很好的方式来挖掘你房屋的价值. 你可以把它想象成一张利率较低的菠菜体育官网——你的房屋净值就是你的借款能力. You can borrow as much or as little […]

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October 3, 2024

在建行,我们非常重视安全,因为您的安全是我们的首要任务. We understand the growing risks in today’s digital world, where identity theft has become more prevalent than ever. With over 1.近年来,向联邦贸易委员会(FTC)报告的身份盗窃案件高达400万起, protecting your personal and financial information has never […]

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Get a Head Start on Holiday Shopping: Smart Saving Tips from CCB

September 12, 2024

The holiday season might seem far off, but since it’s midway through September, 这是开始计划和为即将到来的购物热潮存钱的最佳时机. With a little strategy, 你可以减轻压力,在不倾家荡产的情况下充分利用节日. At CCB, we believe in empowering you to […]

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Message to CCB Customers- September 2024

September 11, 2024

亲爱的建行客户:您最近可能注意到当地建行分行发生了一些令人兴奋的变化. As part of our ongoing rebrand, 建行正在更新建筑物的外观,以更好地反映我们的现代身份,同时保持我们以社区为中心的服务传统, embodied in our motto, “Where Community Counts.” Despite our new look, CCB […]

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Count on CCB: Your Trusted Ally for Small Business Success

September 5, 2024

在小型企业的动态环境中,拥有合适的金融合作伙伴至关重要. At CCB, we’re more than just a bank; we’re a dedicated ally committed to helping your business grow and thrive. For over 120 years, CCB has been deeply rooted in the communities we serve, 提供个性化服务和创新的金融解决方案[…]

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August 29, 2024

在当今的数字时代,保护你的个人信息从未像现在这样重要. Criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, 利用欺骗电话等手段窃取敏感数据. 在建行,我们的团队孜孜不倦地保护您的信息,并帮助您保持安全. Here’s what you need to know about spoofed phone calls, how […]

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Preparing Your Home for the Next Season- CCB is Here to Help!

August 22, 2024

Fall is a beautiful season in Western New York, but it also brings a new set of challenges for homeowners. 为寒冷的月份做好准备不仅可以确保舒适,还可以提高房屋的价值和外观吸引力. 这里有一些关键的跌倒改善技巧和信息,关于建行如何帮助支持[…]

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Why CCB is the Ideal Banking Partner for Your Local Business

August 15, 2024

As a local business owner, 为你的存款账户选择合适的银行对于有效地管理你的财务和确保你的生意成功至关重要. 在建行,我们了解本地企业面临的独特挑战和机遇. 今天,我们想和大家分享为什么建行,作为你们的独立的,本地拥有的和[…]

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August 8, 2024

选择合适的银行对你的财务状况有很大的影响. While large, 外地银行由于其广泛的存在,可能看起来很有吸引力, 像建行这样的独立本地银行可以提供独特的福利,使其成为明智的选择. 在建行,我们自1902年以来一直在当地拥有和运营,并以“在…

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